AI-Powered RFP Software

Don’t Just Respond. Respond to Win.

  • RFPs
  • RFIs
  • DDQs
  • Security Questionnaires

Build a response process that scales with your business, improves collaboration, and helps you win more deals.

A Market Leader in Response Management,
Trusted Worldwide by 1,500 Companies

We win awards like our customers win deals. Loopio consistently ranks as one of the highest-rated and easiest-to-use platforms on the market.

G2 award badge Summer 2024 Best Results
G2 award badge Summer 2024 Leader
G2 award badge Summer 2024 Best Relationship
G2 award badge Summer 2024 Easiest to use, Enterprise category.

Turn Your Response Process Into a Competitive Advantage

Outdated documents. Unsearchable files. Busy schedules. They can all get in the way of closing deals, faster. Our response management platform uses AI to help your team get the best RFPs, RFIs, DDQs, and security questionnaires into clients’ hands sooner.

Turn Conversations into Closed Deals

Provide your sales team with expert-vetted answers to respond to proposals, questionnaires, or any sales questions with ease—winning customer trust (and deals) along the way.

A salesperson is using Loopio's sales knowledge to answer day-to-day sales questions. The content has a freshness score of 85% out of 100%.
Our Customers Get Amazing Results
More Responses Submitted
Our users have higher response rates than before.
Win More Business
Our customers close more business since using our software.
Time Savings
Our customers spend less time overall answering RFPs.
“I love that I can trust Loopio as a single source of truth for our RFPs, especially after going public. Anything I need to know, I go to Loopio first.”
Valarie Mammales
Global Proposal Development Leader
“With Loopio, we’ve been able to pull our RFP process into one location and introduce those automated steps.”
Erin Thedwall
Director of Proposals
“I received an email from a SE leader titled ‘Loopio saved my bacon’—they had just responded to a questionnaire in under 30 minutes.”
Leah McTiernan
Vice President, Solution Engineering
“Loopio has decreased the time it takes for us to do RFIs, RFPs, increased our win rates, and helped make the office a happier place.”
Adam McHenry
Senior Business Analyst

Want to Learn How You Can Respond to Win? We Can Help.

Frequently Asked Questions