1. How many employees does your company have?

2. Approximately how many RFPs does your organization respond to annually?

3. Approximately how many RFPs does your organization respond to annually?

4. Approximately how many RFPs does your organization respond to annually?

5. What percentage of the RFPs that your organization receives does it respond to? (Participation rate.)

6. What percentage of the RFPs that your organization receives does it respond to? (Participation rate.)

7. What percentage of the RFPs that your organization receives does it respond to? (Participation rate.)

8. Of the RFPs you submit, what percentage do you win?

9. Of the RFPs you submit, what percentage do you win?

10. Of the RFPs you submit, what percentage do you win?

11. On average, how many people within your organization contribute to each RFP? (Include reviewers like subject matter experts, legal, etc.)

12. On average, how many people within your organization contribute to each RFP? (Include reviewers like subject matter experts, legal, etc.)

13. On average, how many people within your organization contribute to each RFP? (Include reviewers like subject matter experts, legal, etc.)

14. How long does it take you to turn around an RFP response—from the day you receive it to the day it’s submitted, on average?

15. How long does it take you to turn around an RFP response—from the day you receive it to the day it’s submitted, on average?

16. How long does it take you to turn around an RFP response—from the day you receive it to the day it’s submitted, on average?

17. Approximately how much time does your team spend writing answers for each RFP?

18. Approximately how much time does your team spend writing answers for each RFP?

19. Approximately how much time does your team spend writing answers for each RFP?

20. What do you find the most challenging about responding to RFPs?

21. What do you find the most challenging about responding to RFPs?

22. What do you find the most challenging about responding to RFPs?

23. Do you use RFP response software? (A platform for automatically answering questions, managing RFP content, etc.)

24. Do you use RFP response software? (A platform for automatically answering questions, managing RFP content, etc.)

25. Do you use RFP response software? (A platform for automatically answering questions, managing RFP content, etc.)

26. Do you have a process for deciding if you’ll respond to an RFP before you start it? (‘Go/No-Go’ framework.)

27. Do you have a process for deciding if you’ll respond to an RFP before you start it? (‘Go/No-Go’ framework.)

28. Do you have a process for deciding if you’ll respond to an RFP before you start it? (‘Go/No-Go’ framework.)

29. Which RFP response metrics do you track and/or report?

30. Which RFP response metrics do you track and/or report?

31. Which RFP response metrics do you track and/or report?

32. Overall, how satisfied are you with the overall efficiency of your response process?

33. Overall, how satisfied are you with the overall efficiency of your response process?

34. Overall, how satisfied are you with the overall efficiency of your response process?

35. Overall, how satisfied are you with your RFP quality?

36. Overall, how satisfied are you with your RFP quality?

37. Overall, how satisfied are you with your RFP quality?